Inviting Nominations for the Rajiv Gandhi National Awards-2020

Inviting Nominations for the Chittoor District Centenary Awards-2020.

Contact Us
Founder and Director
Academy of Grassroots Studies and Research of India (AGRASRI)
# Plot No.11, Sri Venkata Sai Nilayam
Thummalagunta, S.V. University P.O.
Tirupati-517502, Andhra Pradesh. India
Mobile: +91-6302947338, +91-9441245085
E.mail: drsundarram@gmail.com | agrasridirector@gmail.com
Website: www.agrasri.org.in
As a Professional NGO- the AGRASRI is bringing out awareness among the Rural Mass, Self-Help Group Members, School Children, Tribal Population and Social Activists towards the micro-planning, AIDS, communicable diseases, environment protection, clean and green, Right to Information Act and other social related issues through Essay Writing, Elocution Competition, Quiz, Debates, Symposia and Rural Camps, with the help of University Professors, Medical Doctors, NGO’s and other enlightened persons.
The Academy undertakes empirical studies on identified themes and thematic areas viz. Social Justice, Gender Studies, Dalits, Rural Change, Socio-economic and Human Development, Decentralisation, Grassroots Democracy, Environment, Food Security, Good Governance, and Youth Development.
In implementing the agenda, the AGRASRI is working on some action research projects on Mainstreaming Youth in Local Governance, Increasing Domestic Violence against Women through Alcoholism, Emerging Political Leadership of Dalits in Panchayati Raj Institutions, Working of Grama Sabha Institution, Dominance of Grassroots Elite in Villages, Farmers Suicides in Backward Districts of Andhra Pradesh and Agrarian Change, with the financial assistance of the Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development, National Commission for Women, Indian Council of Social Science Research and Ministry of Panchayati Raj, Govt. of India.