Inviting Nominations for the Rajiv Gandhi National Awards-2020

Inviting Nominations for the Chittoor District Centenary Awards-2020.

Inviting Nominations for the Rajiv Gandhi National Awards-2020

Inviting Nominations for the Chittoor District Centenary Awards-2020.

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Academy of Grassroots Studies and Research of India (AGRASRI)
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The Academy has published original research papers of some senior academics and experts as Working Papers from time to time, through its Bi-annual publication, namely, The Grassroots Governance Journal (ISSN:0973-0257), on various thematic themes such as good governance, panchayati raj, rural development, women empowerment, capacity building, skill development, micro-planning, grama sabha, service delivery, decentralisation, people’s participation, youth development, parliamentary democracy, local finances, grassroots leadership, social justice, right to information and exclusion and inclusion for immense benefit of the elected representatives of Panchayati Raj Institutions, Self-Help Group Members, policy makers and researchers.
The following is the list of some selected Working Papers, published by the Academy, through its bi-annual research publication, The Grassroots Governance Journal (TGGJ) since 2003:
- Institutionalisation of Grassroots Governance in India (AGRASRI Working Paper No-1, TGGJ, Vol. I, No. I, January-June, 2003, ISSN: 0973-0257, Pp.1-16)
Dr. Subhash C. Kashyap - Role of Caste Groups in New Panchayati Raj System: A Case Analysis of Tamil Nadu (AGRASRI Working Paper No-2, TGGJ, Vol. I, No.1, January-June, 2003, ISSN: 0973-0257, Pp. 32-49
Prof. G. Palanithurai - Rejuvenating Republic through Local Governments (AGRASRI Working Paper No-3, TGGJ, Vol.1, No.1I, January-June, 2003, ISSN: 0973-0257, Pp. 50-61)
Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan, IAS (Retd.) - Participation, Decentralised Planning and Panchayati Raj in India-A Review (AGRASRI Working Paper No- 4, TGGJ, Vol. I, No.1, January-June, 2003, ISSN: 0973-0257, Pp. 62-77)
Prof. S.P. Jain - The Status of PRI’s in Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka: A Comparison (AGRASRI Working Paper No- 5, TGGJ, Vol.I, No.1I, January-June, 2003, ISSN: 0973-0257, Pp.78-100)
Prof. M. Gopinath Reddy - Decentralised Governance at the Grassroots Level: Experience of Panchayati Raj in Madhya Pradesh (AGRASRI Working Paper No- 6, TGGJ, Vol. I, No.2, June-December, 2003, ISSN:0973-0257, Pp. 150-163)
Prof. Yatindra Singh Sisodia - Decentralised Planning in India: A Case Study in Karnataka (AGRASRI Working Paper No- 7, TGGJ, Vol. I, No.2, June-December, 2003, ISSN: 0973-0257, Pp. 189-208)
Prof. M. Devender Babu - De-planning and Decentralised Governance: The Anachronicity of the 73rd Constitutional Amendment Act in the LPG Marketisation of the Indian Economy (AGRASRI Working Paper No- 8, TGGJ, Vol. II, No.1, January-June, 2004, ISSN: 0973-0257, Pp. 1-10).
Prof. P.C. Mathur - Panchayati Raj institutions in India: The Kerala Experience (AGRASRI Working Paper No- 9, TGGJ, Vol. II, No.1, January-June, 2004, ISSN: 0973-0257, Pp. 11-34).
Prof. M. R. Biju - People’s Participation at the Grassroots Levels in India: A Pillar of Sustainable Development
(AGRASRI Working Paper No- 10, TGGJ, Vol. II, No.1, January-June, 2004, ISSN: 0973-0257, Pp. 35-54).
Prof. S. Narayanasamy - Decentralised Governance, Transparency and Accountability: Empirical Evidence from West Bengal (AGRASRI Working Paper No-11, TGGJ, Vol. II, No.1, January-June, 2004, ISSN: 0973-0257, Pp. 35-54).
Dr. Md. Nazrul Islam - Devolution of Powers to Panchayati Raj Institutions with Special Reference to Rural Health Reference to Rural Health Care in Gujarat - A Field Inquiry (AGRASRI Working Paper No-12, TGGJ, Vol. II, No.1, January-June, 2004, ISSN: 0973-0257, Pp. 77-92).
Prof. P. Siva Ram - Regeneration of Rural India: An Unfinished Agenda (AGRASRI Working Paper No-13, TGGJ, Vol. II, No.1, January-June, 2004, ISSN: 0973-0257, Pp. 110-130).
Dr. L. C. Jain - Panchayati Raj in India - An Institution of Grassroots Development (AGRASRI Working Paper No-14, TGGJ, Vol. II, No.2, June-December, 2004, ISSN: 0973-0257, Pp. 160-181)
Mani Shankar Aiyar, IFS (Retd.) - Size and Area of Gram Panchayat in India (AGRASRI Working Paper No-15, TGGJ, Vol. II, No.2, June-December, 2004, ISSN: 0973-0257, Pp.225-238 )
Prof. S.P. Jain - Participatory Planning for Decentralised Governance (AGRASRI Working Paper No-16, TGGJ, Vol. II, No.2, June-December, 2004, ISSN: 0973-0257, Pp.244-265)
Prof. Rajiv Ranjan Prasad - Financial Status of Panchayati Raj Institutions - A Study in Karnataka State (AGRASRI Working Paper No-17, TGGJ, Vol. III, No.1, January-June, 2005, ISSN: 0973-0257, Pp. 32-54).
Dr. N. Jayaramaiah - Changing Party-System and Vitality of the Federal Structure in India (AGRASRI Working Paper No-18, TGGJ, Vol. III, No.2, July-December, 2005, ISSN: 0973-0257, Pp. 119-133).
Prof. Haridwar Rai & Prof. Vijay Kumar - Exploring Representative Governance in India(AGRASRI Working Paper No-19, TGGJ, Vol. III, No.2, July-December, 2005, ISSN: 0973-0257, Pp.132-158).
Prof. Snehalatha Panda - 'Representing the States at the Federal Level : Role of the Rajya Sabha (AGRASRI Working Paper No-20, TGGJ, Vol. III, No.2,July-December, 2005, ISSN: 0973-0257, Pp.150-184).
Prof. Sandeep Shastri - Role and Position of the Indian Prime Minister in Coalition Politics-Assessing the Functioning of the UPA Government (AGRASRI Working Paper No- 21, TGGJ, Vol. III, No.2, July-December, 2005, ISSN: 0973-0257, Pp.185-199).
Prof. N. S. Gehlot - Role of Governor in Indian Federal System - New Dimensions under Article 356 (AGRASRI Working Paper No-22, TGGJ, Vol. III, No.2, July-December, 2005, ISSN: 0973-0257, Pp.200-226).
Dr. R. Gangadhara Shastry - Coalition Governments in India 1954: 2004 - A Way Forward for Good Governance(AGRASRI Working Paper No-23, TGGJ, Vol. III, No.2, July-December, 2005, ISSN: 0973-0257, Pp.227-246).
Dr. D. Sundar Ram - 73rd Constitution Amendment, State Governments and Panchayati Raj Institutions: Some Issues (AGRASRI Working Paper No-24, TGGJ, Vol. III, No.2, July-December, 2005, ISSN: 0973-0257, Pp. 262-274).
Prof. S.P. Jain - Panchayati Raj in India: Local Governance in Action for Social Development (AGRASRI Working Paper No-25, TGGJ, Vol. IV, No.1, January-June, 2006, ISSN: 0973-0257, Pp. 1-18).
Prof. V. Bhaskar Rao - E-Governance: A Study of the Model Gram Panchayat (Bellandur) in Karnataka (AGRASRI Working Paper No-26, TGGJ, Vol. IV, No.1, January-June, 2006, ISSN: 0973-0257, Pp.19-39).
Prof. B.S. Bhargava • Dr. Mangala Nayak • Dr. K. Subha - Institutional Responsiveness and Good Governance: A Case of Kerala's Grama Sabhas (AGRASRI Working Paper No-27, TGGJ, Vol. IV, No.1, January-June, 2006, ISSN: 0973-0257, Pp.40-58).
Prof. B. Mohanan • Dr. J. Mary John - Decentralisation and Rural Development in India: Empowerment, Strategies and Emerging Challenges (AGRASRI Working Paper No-28, TGGJ, Vol. IV, No.1, January-June, 2006, ISSN: 0973-0257, Pp.59-77)
Dr. D.Sundar Ram - Determinants of People's Participation in Decentralised Planning and Development (AGRASRI Working Paper No-29, TGGJ, Vol. IV, No.1, January-June, 2006, ISSN: 0973-0257, Pp.91-107)
Dr. Sitakanta Sethi - Grassroots Democracy in Haryana: Some Field Observations (AGRASRI Working Paper No-30, TGGJ, Vol. IV, No.1, January-June, 2006, ISSN: 0973-0257, Pp.117-138)
Prof. Ranbir Singh - Indian Farmers in 21st Century : Mission and Vision (AGRASRI Working Paper No-31, TGGJ, Vol. IV, No.2, July-December, 2006, ISSN: 0973-0257, Pp.167-188)
Prof. M.S. Swaminathan - Empowering Panchayati Raj Institutions: A Study in Karnataka (AGRASRI Working Paper No-32, TGGJ, Vol. IV, No.2, July-December, 2006, ISSN: 0973-0257, Pp.198-209)
Prof. Abdul Aziz - Decentralised Governance and Service Delivery in India: Theory and Practice(AGRASRI Working Paper No-33, TGGJ, Vol. IV, No.2, July-December, 2006, ISSN: 0973-0257, Pp.233-250)
Prof. Satyanarayana Sangita - Political Decentalisation and Issue of Accountability: The Case of Grama Sabha in Karnataka (AGRASRI Working Paper No-34, TGGJ, Vol. IV, No.2, July-December, 2006, ISSN: 0973-0257, Pp.261-276)
Prof. N. Sivanna - Between Euphoria and Scepticism: Ten Years of Panchayati Raj in Kerala (AGRASRI Working Paper No-35, TGGJ, Vol. IV, No.2, July-December, 2006, ISSN: 0973-0257, Pp.277-203)
Prof. Moolakattu Stephen John • Prof. Jos Chathukulam - Participatory Democracy: Role of Gram Sabhas in Decentralised Governance: An Overview of Andhra Pradesh Experience (AGRASRI Working Paper No-36, TGGJ, Vol. IV, No.2, July-December, 2006, ISSN: 0973-0257, Pp.304-317)
Prof. M. Gopinath Reddy & Dr. Madhusudan Bandi - People's Participation through Village Sanghams-A Case Study of Deccan Development Society (AGRASRI Working Paper No-37, TGGJ, Vol. V, No.1, January-June, 2007, ISSN: 0973-0257, Pp.9-39)
Dr. N. Rajasekhar • Prof. G. Sudarshanam - Good Governance at Grassroots: A Case Analysis of Dindigul District (AGRASRI Working Paper No-38, TGGJ, Vol. V, No.1, January-June, 2007, ISSN: 0973-0257, Pp.40-61)
Prof. K.S. Nakkeeran - Rural Development through Panchayati Raj Institutions: Strengthening a Participatory Democracy in India (AGRASRI Working Paper No-39, TGGJ, Vol. V, No.1, January-June, 2007, ISSN: 0973-0257, Pp.74-87)
Prof. N.S. Gehlot - People's Participation in Kerala's Grama Sabhas: Investigating the Quality (AGRASRI Working Paper No-40, TGGJ, Vol. V, No.1, January-June, 2007, ISSN: 0973-0257, Pp.88-117)
Dr. J. Mary John & Prof. Mohanan Bhaskaran Pillai - Synthesising New Indian Knowledge and Innovation Systems: Future Agenda (AGRASRI Working Paper No-41, TGGJ, Vol. V, No.2, July-December, 2007, ISSN: 0973-0257, Pp.154-166)
Dr. R.A. Mashelkar - Democratic Decentralisation and Participatory Planning in Kerala: The Locomotive of a New Development Culture (AGRASRI Working Paper No-42, TGGJ, Vol. V, No.2, July-December, 2007, ISSN: 0973-0257, Pp.208-228)
Prof. Mohanan Bhaskaran Pillai - Total Sanitation Campaign and Nirmal Gram Puraskar: Role of Panchayats in Four Indian States (AGRASRI Working Paper No-43, TGGJ, Vol. V, No.2, July-December, 2007, ISSN: 0973-0257, Pp.229-259)
Prof. Jos Chathukulam & Dr. K. Gireesan - Decentralisation of Panchayati Raj Institutions and Good Governance in Andhra Pradesh: A Vision of the Future (AGRASRI Working Paper No-44, TGGJ, Vol. V, No.2, July-December, 2007, ISSN: 0973-0257, Pp.260-277)
Prof. M. Gopinath Reddy - Social Marketing:A Case of Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation in Karnataka State (AGRASRI Working Paper No-45, TGGJ, Vol. V, No.2, July-December, 2007, ISSN: 0973-0257, Pp.289-306)
Dr. Veerasekharappa - Guarding the Commons in India- Panchayats and Globalisation (AGRASRI Working Paper No-46, TGGJ, Vol. V, No.2, July-December, 2007, ISSN: 0973-0257, Pp.307-329)
Prof. V. Raghupathy - Decentralised Planning in India: Are the Panchayati Raj Institutions Really Empowered? (AGRASRI Working Paper No-47, TGGJ, Vol. V, No.2, July-December, 2007, ISSN: 0973-0257, Pp.330-344)
Prof. M. Devendra Babu - Emerging Women Leadership at the Grassroots: A Micro-level Study in Andhra Pradesh State (AGRASRI Working Paper No-48, TGGJ, Vol. V, No.2, July-December, 2007, ISSN: 0973-0257, Pp.345-376)
Dr (Ms.) K.C. Smitha - Political Framework for Inclusive Growth in India: Inclusive Growth through Inclusive Governance (AGRASRI Working Paper No-49, TGGJ, Vol. VI, No12, January-June, 2008, ISSN: 0973-0257, Pp.1-13)
Mani Shankar Aiyar, IFS (Retd.) - Training for Panchayati Raj Functionaries through Satellite in Karnataka (AGRASRI Working Paper No-50, TGGJ, Vol. VI, No.1, January-June, 2008, ISSN: 0973-0257, Pp.14-27)
Prof. B.S. Bhargava & Dr. K.Subha - Gram Sabha: Conception, Perception and Practice (AGRASRI Working Paper No-51, TGGJ, Vol. VI, No.1, January-June, 2008, ISSN: 0973-0257, Pp.28-46)
Prof. G. Palanithurai - Implementation of Panchayats (Extension to Scheduled Areas) Act, 1996: An Orissa Perspective(AGRASRI Working Paper No-52, TGGJ, Vol. VI, No.1, January-June, 2008, ISSN: 0973-0257, Pp.47-58)
K. Karunakar Patnaik, IAS (Retd.) - Financial Resources of Panchayati Raj Institutions: A Study of the Gram Panchayat Experiment in West Bengal (AGRASRI Working Paper No-53, TGGJ, Vol. VI, No.1, January-June, 2008, ISSN: 0973-0257, Pp.59-80)
Dr. Tapan Kumar Ghosh - Women in the Panchayati Raj Institutions: An Empirical Study in Kamrup District of Assam (AGRASRI Working Paper No-54, TGGJ, Vol. VI, No.1, January-June, 2008, ISSN: 0973-0257, Pp. 80-107)
Dr. Jogendra Kumar Das - Financial Inclusion in India: Need for institutional Changes (AGRASRI Working Paper No-55, TGGJ, Vol. VI, No.2, June-December, 2008, ISSN: 0973-0257, Pp. 165-174)
Dr. C. Rangarajan - Value of Networking Elected Women Representatives in India: The Collective Reflection (AGRASRI Working Paper No-56, TGGJ, Vol. VI, No.2, June-December, 2008, ISSN: 0973-0257, Pp. 207-218)
Dr. Devaki Jain • Ahalya S.Bhat • Padmini Ananth • Anand H - Gender Perspectives on Grassroots Governance: The Indian Experience (AGRASRI Working Paper No-57, TGGJ, Vol. VI, No.2, June-December, 2008, ISSN: 0973-0257, Pp. 219-242)
Prof. U. Kalpagam - Women Empowerment through Panchayats in India: An Empirical Analysis of Decision- Making at the Panchayat Level: A Study of Two Villages in Rajasthan (AGRASRI Working Paper No-58, TGGJ, Vol. VI, No.2, June-December, 2008, ISSN: 0973-0257, Pp. 254-268)
Dr. O.P. Bohra & Dr. R. Rakshit - Space Technology Applications for Rural Development in India (AGRASRI Working Paper No-59, TGGJ, Vol. VII, No.1&2, January-June & July-December, 2009, ISSN: 0973-0257, Pp. 10-20)
Dr. G. Madhavan Nair - Globalisation, Local Democracy and Inclusive Governance: The Indian Experience (AGRASRI Working Paper No-60, TGGJ, Vol. VII, No.1& 2, January-June & July-December, 2009, ISSN: 0973-0257, Pp. 35-52)
Prof. Satya Narayana Sangita & Dr. T.K. Jyothi - Grassroots Governance and People’s Participation at Work after Implementation of PESA: Evidences from Tribal Regions of Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and Gujarat States (AGRASRI Working Paper No-61, TGGJ, Vol. VII, No.1& 2, January-June & July-December, 2009, ISSN: 0973-0257, Pp.53-68)
Prof. Yatindra Singh Sisodia - Panchayati Raj in Haryana: A Strategy for Effective Functioning in Delivery of Services (AGRASRI Working Paper No-62, TGGJ, Vol. VII, No.1&2, January-June& July-December, 2009, ISSN: 0973-0257, Pp.78-101)
Dr. Rajvir S. Dhaka - Participatory Institutions and People’s Practices: An Analysis of Decentralisation Experiences in Kerala State (AGRASRI Working Paper No-63, TGGJ, Vol. VII, No.1&2, January-June & July-December, 2009, ISSN: 0973-0257, Pp.113-131)
Dr. K. Rajesh - Decentralisation, Women Empowerment and Inclusive Growth: State and Civil Society Perspective in India (AGRASRI Working Paper No-64, TGGJ, Vol. VIII, No.1&2, January-June & July-December, 2010, ISSN: 0973-0257, Pp.39-55)
Prof. Satyanarayana Sangita - Women Empowerment at Grassroots Level Political Institutions: Evidences from Villages of Madhya Pradesh (AGRASRI Working Paper No-65, TGGJ, Vol. VIII, No.1&2, January-June & July-December, 2010, ISSN: 0973-0257, Pp.56-71)
Prof. Yatindra Singh Sisodia - Mahatma Gandhi and Greenfield Industrialisation in Globalising India: Mind-Notes on the Potential for Civic Asymmetric Resistance (AGRASRI Working Paper No-66, TGGJ, Vol. IX, No.1, January-June, 2011, ISSN: 0973-0257, Pp.1-18)
Prof. P.C. Mathur - People Centric Paradigms at Capacity Building: The Case of Formal and Informal Functionaries under MGNREGS - A Right to Work Model for Local Self Governance in India (AGRASRI Working Paper No-67, TGGJ, Vol. IX, No.1, January-June, 2011, ISSN: 0973-0257, Pp.19-43).
- Historical Debates on Decentralisation and Democracy in India: M.K. Gandhi, M.N. Roy, J.P. Narayan and B.R. Ambedkar (AGRASRI Working Paper No.68, December, 2010)
Dr. Joseph Abraham - Historical Debates on Decentralisation and Democracy in India: M.K. Gandhi, M.N. Roy, J.P. Narayan and B.R. Ambedkar(AGRASRI Working Paper No-68, TGGJ, Vol. IX, No.1, January-June, 2011, ISSN: 0973-0257, Pp.44-61)
Dr. K. Rajesh - Local-Governance in Scheduled Areas: A Study of Andhra Pradesh (AGRASRI Working Paper No-69, TGGJ, Vol. IX, No.1, January-June, 2011, ISSN: 0973-0257, Pp.62-92)
Dr. M. Arun Kumar - Role of Panchayati Raj Institutions in Development: Back Bone of the Indian Democracy at the Grassroots (AGRASRI Working Paper No-70, TGGJ, Vol. IX, No.1, January-June, 2011, ISSN: 0973-0257, Pp.126-145)
Dr. R.P. Prabhakar - Gram Sabha Institution in India: Prospects and Retrospect (AGRASRI Working Paper No-71, TGGJ, Vol. IX, No.2, July-December, 2011, ISSN: 0973-0257, Pp.177-199)
Prof. S.P. Jain - Role of Grama Sabha in the Implementation of MGNREGS: Field Insights from Karnataka (AGRASRI Working Paper No-72, TGGJ, Vol. IX, No.2, July-December, 2011, ISSN: 0973-0257, Pp.210-232)
Prof. M. Devendra Babu • Prof. D. Rajasekhar • Dr. R. Manjula - People’s Participation in Grassroots Governance through Gram Swaraj: Evidences from Villages of Madhya Pradesh (AGRASRI Working Paper No-73, TGGJ, Vol. IX, No.2, July-December, 2011, ISSN: 0973-0257, Pp.243-260)
Prof. Yatindra Singh Sisodia - Status of Gram Sabha and Ward Sabha in Kerala: A Vibrant Forum of Democracy in India (AGRASRI Working Paper No-74, TGGJ, Vol. IX, No.2, July-December, 2011, ISSN: 0973-0257, Pp.343-363)
Dr. K. Rajasekharan - The Information Deficit: Use of Media in Deliberative Democracy- The Case of Selected Grama Sabha Proceedings in West Bengal (AGRASRI Working Paper No-75, TGGJ, Vol. X, No.1, January-June, 2012, ISSN: 0973-0257, Pp.11-33)Dr. Swati Bhattacharjee and Prof. Raghabendra Chattopadhyay
- Reaching Education at the Grassroots Level: A Study of Nomadic and De-notified Communities in Andhra Pradesh(AGRASRI Working Paper No-76, TGGJ, Vol. X, No.1, January-June, 2012, ISSN: 0973-0257, Pp.47-71)
Prof. Malli Gandhi - Reproduction of Grassroots Institutions through People’s Practices: Reflections from Gram Panchayat in Kerala (AGRASRI Working Paper No-77, TGGJ, Vol. X, No.1, January-June, 2012, ISSN: 0973-0257, Pp.90-113)
Dr. K. Rajesh - Inclusive Governance for Inclusive Development: The History, Politics and Economics of Panchayati Raj in India (AGRASRI Working Paper No-78, TGGJ, Vol. X, No.2, June-December, 2012, ISSN: 0973-0257, Pp.1-80)
Shri Mani Shankar Aiyar, IFS (Retd.) - Twenty Years of Panchayati Raj in India: Landmark Experiences and Experiments (AGRASRI Working Paper No-79, TGGJ, Vol. X, No.2, June-December, 2012, ISSN: 0973-0257, Pp.81-97
Shri K. Karunakar Patnaik, IAS(Retd.) - Designing Village Panchayats for the Empowerment of Women: Lessons from Tamil Nadu and Kerala (AGRASRI Working Paper No-80, TGGJ, Vol. XI, No.1, January-June, 2013, ISSN: 0973-0257, Pp.21-42
Prof. V. Ragupathy - Decentralisation of Powers in India: Acceleration or Deceleration (AGRASRI Working Paper No-81, TGGJ, Vol. XI, No.2, June-December, 2013, ISSN: 0973-0257, Pp.121-141)
Prof. G. Palanithurai - Decentralised Governance and National Integration in India (AGRASRI Working Paper No-82, TGGJ, Vol. XI, No.2, June-December, 2013, ISSN: 0973-0257, Pp.142-173)
Prof. Satyanarayana Sangita - Role of Panchyats in the Centrally Sponsored Schemes (CSSs): Issues and Evidences from Namakkal District in Tamil Nadu (AGRASRI Working Paper No-83, TGGJ, Vol. XI, No.2, June-December, 2013, ISSN: 0973-0257, Pp.174-219)
Prof. Jos Chathukulam - How did Grama Panchayats Perform in Own Revenue Mobilisation? Lessons from Karnataka (AGRASRI Working Paper No-84, TGGJ, Vol. XI, No.2, June-December, 2013, ISSN: 0973-0257, Pp.220-242)
Dr. R. Manjula and Prof. D Rajasekhar - Strengthening Panchayat Raj Institutions: Karnataka’s Experience (AGRASRI Working Paper No-85, TGGJ, Vol. XI, No.2, June-December, 2013, ISSN: 0973-0257, Pp.258-275)
Prof. M. Devendra Babu - Gram Sabha in India: Case Studies from Tamil Nadu and West Bengal States (AGRASRI Working Paper No-86, TGGJ, Vol. XII, No.1, January-June, 2014, ISSN: 0973-0257, Pp.1-17)
Prof. S.P.Jain - Federalism and Health Policy in India (AGRASRI Working Paper No-87, TGGJ, Vol. XII, No.1, January-June, 2014, ISSN: 0973-0257, Pp.18-43)
Prof. James Warner Björkman - Women’s Empowerment in Decentralised Governance: Status of Women in an era of Pre- Decentralisation (AGRASRI Working Paper No-88, TGGJ, Vol. XII, No.1, January-June, 2014, ISSN: 0973-0257, Pp.62-80)
M.K Ravindranathan - Empowering Women in the Context of Decentralised Governance: A Study with Special Reference to Andaman and Nicobar Islands (AGRASRI Working Paper No-89, TGGJ, Vol. XII, No.1, January-June, 2014, ISSN: 0973-0257, Pp.81-102)
Dr. S. S. Sreekumar - Power to the People: The Gandhian Version (AGRASRI Working Paper No-90, TGGJ, Vol. XII, No.2, July-December, 2014, ISSN: 0973-0257, Pp.121-144)
Mani Shankar Aiyar, IFS (Retd.) - Democracy and Decentralisation: A Tool and a Strategy to tackle the issues of Exclusion (AGRASRI Working Paper No-91, TGGJ, Vol. XII, No.2, July-December, 2014, ISSN: 0973-0257, Pp.145-160)
Prof. G. Palanithurai - Is there a Case to Extend Social Pension Schemes to all Unorganised Workers in India? Evidence from Karnataka State (AGRASRI Working Paper No-92, TGGJ, Vol. XII, No.2, July-December, 2014, ISSN: 0973-0257, Pp.161-184)
Prof. D Rajasekhar – Dr. G. Sreedhar – Dr. R. Manjula – Dr. R. R. Biradar and Prof. N. L. Narasimha Reddy - Economics of Good Governance and Local Resource Mobilisation (AGRASRI Working Paper No-93, TGGJ, Vol. XII, No.2, July-December, 2014, ISSN: 0973-0257, Pp.185-203)
Dr. Swapan Ghosh and Dr. Tapan Kumar Ghosh - Role of Panchayati Raj Institutions in the Rural Development Programmes in Haryana: A Comparative Study of Karnal and Mewat Districts (AGRASRI Working Paper No-94, TGGJ, Vol. XII, No.2, July-December, 2014, ISSN: 0973-0257, Pp.204-234)
Dr. Vimlesh Rathore - Empowerment of Scheduled Castes Women Members through Gram Panchayats in Karnataka: Issues and Challenges (AGRASRI Working Paper No-95, TGGJ, Vol. XII, No.2, July-December, 2014, ISSN: 0973-0257, Pp.235-251)
Dr. Narayana Billava - Science and Sustainable Food and Nutrition Security: Agenda for Zero Hunger (AGRASRI Working Paper No-96, TGGJ, Vol. XIII, No.1, January-June, 2015, ISSN: 0973-0257, Pp.1-24)
Prof. M. S. Swaminathan - Democratic Governance: Stability and Variability in Public Administration Policies, Institutions and Organisations (AGRASRI Working Paper No-97, TGGJ, Vol. XIII, No.1, January-June, 2015, ISSN: 0973-0257, Pp.33-51).
Prof. P. C. Mathur - Panchayats, Women and Violence in India: Some Reflections (AGRASRI Working Paper No-98, TGGJ, Vol. XIII, No.1, January-June, 2015, ISSN: 0973-0257, Pp.62-88)
Dr. Bidyut Mohanty - Capacity Building of Gram Panchayat for Effective Management of Rural Development: The Case of Manipur State (AGRASRI Working Paper No-99, TGGJ, Vol. XIII, No.1, January-June, 2015, ISSN: 0973-0257, Pp.89-108)
Dr. Sonkhogin Haokip - Participation of women in PRIs: How far is it true? A Study of Backward Areas of West Bengal (AGRASRI Working Paper No-100, TGGJ, Vol. XIII, No.1, January-June, 2015, ISSN: 0973-0257, Pp.109-127)
Dr. Somenath Halder - Basic Sanitation in Rural India- Road Map for Swachh Bharat (AGRASRI Working Paper No-101, TGGJ, Vol. XIII, No.2, Jul-December, 2015, ISSN: 0973-0257, Pp.153-174)
Dr. Bindeshwar Pathak - Initiatives for a Sustainable Solid Waste Management System: Reality Check with Mudichur Village Panchayat, Tamil Nadu 1. (AGRASRI Working Paper No-102, TGGJ, Vol. XIII, No.2, Jul-December, 2015, ISSN: 0973-0257, Pp.208-232).
P. C. Mathur - Provision of Basic Sanitation in Rural Karnataka: Achievements and Challenges (AGRASRI Working Paper No-103, TGGJ, Vol. XIII, No.2, Jul-December, 2015, ISSN: 0973-0257, Pp.248-265).
Dr. Narayana Billava and Dr. Arunkumar R. Kulkarni - Sanitation and Social Change in the Context of Developing Societies: A Study with Special Reference to India (AGRASRI Working Paper No-104, TGGJ, Vol. XIII, No.2, Jul-December, 2015, ISSN: 0973-0257, Pp.280-297)
Dr. S.S. Sreekumar