Inviting Nominations for the Rajiv Gandhi National Awards-2020

Inviting Nominations for the Chittoor District Centenary Awards-2020.

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Rajiv Gandhi Memorial Lecture
(Rajiv Gandhi Memorial Lecture was instituted and organised by the Academy of Grassroots Studies and Research of India, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, since 2002)

The Academy has instituted the Rajiv Gandhi Memorial Lecture in the year 2002, in recognition of 7th Prime Minister of India Shri Rajiv Gandhi’s significant contributions and services to the nation in general and Panchayati Raj Institutions in particular, as constitutional bodies. The main objective of the Rajiv Gandhi Memorial Lecture is to perpetuate the memory of Shri Rajiv Gandhi’s significant contributions and services rendered to the nation, as visionary of the 21st Century India.
The Memorial Lecture is being organised every year on 20 August, i.e., the birthday of Shri Rajiv Gandhi, at Tirupati by the Academy of Grassroots Studies and Research of India, Tirupati. In addition to the Rajiv Gandhi Memorial Lecture, the Academy is organising the National Youth Day, Women Empowerment Day, Chittoor District Formation Day Lecture, National Panchayati Raj Day, Anti-Terrorism Day, AGRASRI Foundation Day Lecture, Human Rights Day, and Indian Constitution Day programmes, with involvement of policy makers, administrators and elected representatives of PRI’s.
The following is the List of the Rajiv Gandhi Memorial Lectures, delivered by eminent policy makers and scholars since 2002:
1. The First Rajiv Gandhi Memorial Lecture-2002
Theme of the Lecture: Panchayati Raj in India: An Institution for Grassroots Development
Speaker : Shri Mani Shankar Aiyar,Hon’ble the then Member of Parliament (Lok Sabha), New Delhi.
Chief Guest : Dr. K. Keshava Rao,
Former Minister for Higher Education, Govt. of Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad.
Venue and Date: Hotel Bliss (Darbar Hall), Tirupati- 20 August, 2002.
2. The Second Rajiv Gandhi Memorial Lecture - 2003
Theme of the Lecture : Rajiv Gandhi and Modern India: Dreams and Vision
Speaker : Shri Shivraj V. Patil, , Hon’ble Speaker of Tenth Lok Sabha, New Delhi.
Chief Guest : Dr. Agarala Easwara Reddi, Former Speaker of Andhra Pradesh Legislative Assembly, Hyderabad.
Venue and Date: Hotel Bliss (Darbar Hall), Tirupati- 25 August, 2003.
3. The Third Rajiv Gandhi Memorial Lecture-2004
Theme of the Lecture : Rajiv Gandhi: A Visionary for 21st Century India
Speaker : Dr. T. Kutumaba Rao, Eminent Journalist and Former Member, Kendra Sahitya Academi, New Delhi.
Chief Guest : Shri B. Karunakar Reddy,the then Chairman, Tirupati Urban Development Authority (TUDA), Tirupati.
Venue and Date: Hotel Bliss (Bliss Hall), Tirupati- 20 August, 2004.
4. The Fourth Rajiv Gandhi Memorial Lecture - 2005
Theme of the Lecture : Space Technology for Poverty Alleviation & Sustainable Development in India
Speaker : Prof.U.R. Rao, Chairman, PRL Council and Former Chairman, ISRO, Govt. of India, Bangalore.
Chief Guest : Shri T.N. Chaturvedi, His Excellency, the then Governor of Karnataka, Bangalore and Chairman, Indian Institute of Public Administration, New Delhi.
Venue and Date: Hotel Bliss (Darbar Hall), Tirupati- 23 September, 2005.
5. The Fifth Rajiv Gandhi Memorial Lecture - 2006
Theme of the Lecture : Indian Farmers in 21st Century: Mission and Vision
Speaker : Prof. M.S. Swaminathan, the then Chairman, National Commission on Farmers, Govt. of India, New Delhi.
Chief Guest : Shri Rameshwar Thakur, His Excellency, the then Governor of Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad.
Venue and Date: Hotel Bliss (Darbar Hall), Tirupati- 20 August, 2006.
6. The Sixth Rajiv Gandhi Memorial Lecture - 2007
Theme of the Lecture : Synthesising New Indian Knowledge and Innovation Systems
Speaker : Dr. R.A. Mashelkarthe then President, Indian National Science Academy, New Delhi.
Chief Guest : Shri R.L.Bhatia, His Excellency, the then Governor of Kerala, Trivandrum.
Venue and Date: Hotel Bliss (Darbar Hall), Tirupati- 20 August, 2007.
7. The Seventh Rajiv Gandhi Memorial Lecture - 2008
Theme of the Lecture : Financial Inclusion in India: Need for Institutional Changes
Speaker : Dr. C. Rangarajan, the then Chairman, Economic Advisory Council to Prime Minister of India, New Delhi.
Chief Guest : Shri N.D.Tiwari,His Excellency, the then Governor of Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad.
Venue and Date: Hotel Bliss (Darbar Hall), Tirupati- 20 August, 2008.
8. The Eight Rajiv Gandhi Memorial Lecture - 2009
Theme of the Lecture : Space Technology Applications for Rural Development in India.
Speaker : Dr. G. Madhavan Nair, the then Chairman, ISRO, Department of Space, Govt. of India, Bangalore.
Chief Guest : Smt. Prabha Rau, Her Excellency, the then Governor of Himachal Pradesh, Shimla.
Guest of Honour : Dr. Agarala Easwara Reddi Former Speaker of Andhra Pradesh Legislative Assembly, Hyderabad.
Venue and Date: Hotel Bliss (Darbar Hall), Tirupati- 20 August, 2009.
9. The Ninth Rajiv Gandhi Memorial Lecture - 2010
Theme of the Lecture : Rajiv Gandhi and Panchayati Raj: Role of Women in Decision-making at the Local Governance in India
Speaker : Dr (Mrs) V. Mohini Giri, , Former Chairperson, National Commission for Women, Govt. of India, New Delhi.
Chief Guest : Shri Murlidhar C. Bhandare, His Excellency, the then Governor of Odisha, Bhubaneswar.
Special Guest : Shri Salman Khurshid,Hon’ble the then Union Minister for Water Resources and Minority Affairs, Govt. of India, New Delhi.
Venue and Date: India International Annex Auditorium, New Delhi- 8 March, 2011.
10. The Tenth Rajiv Gandhi Memorial Lecture - 2011
Theme of the Lecture : Energy Technologies, Energy Security and Climate Change.
Speaker : Dr R. Chidambaram, the then Principal Scientific Advisor to the Govt. of India, New Delhi.
Chief Guest : Dr. Agarala Easwara Reddi, Former Speaker of Andhra Pradesh Legislative Assembly, Hyderabad.
Venue and Date: Hotel Bliss (Darbar Hall), Tirupati-29 February, 2012.
11. The Eleventh Rajiv Gandhi Memorial Lecture - 2012
Theme of the Lecture : 60 Years Working of the India Parliament: A Temple of Democracy.
Speaker : Dr. Bal Ram Jakhar,Former Speaker of Lok Sabha and Former Governor of Madhya Pradesh, New Delhi.
Chief Guest : Shri Shivraj V. Patil, His Excellency, the then Governor of Punjab, Chandigarh
Guest of Honour : Shri Mani Shankar Aiyar, Hon’ble the then Member of Parliament (Rajya Sabha) and Former Union Minister for Panchayati Raj, Govt. of India, New Delhi
Venue and Date: Indian Institute of Public Administration Conference Hall, New Delhi-20 August, 2012.
12. The Twelfth Rajiv Gandhi Memorial Lecture - 2014
Theme of the Lecture : Diversity, Disparity and Exclusion: Implications for Inclusive Governance in India.
Speaker : Prof. Sukhadeo K. Thorat, the then Chairman, Indian Council of Social Science Research, Govt. of India, New Delhi.
Chief Guest : Shri T.N. Chatuvedi, Former Governor of Karnataka and Chairman, Indian Institute of Public Administration, New Delhi.
Chief Guest : Shri Mani Shankar Aiyar, Hon’ble the then Member of Parliament (Rajya Sabha) and Former Union Minister for Panchayati Raj, Govt. of India, New Delhi.
Venue and Date: Indian Institute of Public Administration Conference Hall New Delhi- 20 August, 2014.
13. The Thirteenth Rajiv Gandhi Memorial Lecture - 2015
Theme of the Lecture:Basic Sanitation in Rural India: A Road Map for Swachh Bharat
Speaker: Dr. Bindeswhar Pathak,Founder and Social Reformer, Sulabh International Social Service Organisation, New Delhi.
Chief Guest: Prof. V. R. Panchamukhi, Former Chairman, Indian Council of Social Science Research, Govt. of India, New Delhi.
Special Guest: Dr.Rajendra Kumar Pachauri,World renowned Environmentalist and Noble Laureate and, New Delhi.
Venue and Date: Hotel Bliss (Darbar Hall), Tirupati- 20 August, 2015.
14. Fourteenth Rajiv Gandhi Memorial Lecture - 2016
Theme of the Lecture:Is Inclusive Economic Growth in India: A Reality or Myth
Speaker: Dr.V.K. Sarawat,Member, NITI Aayog, Govt. of India, New Delhi.
Chief Guest: Dr. A. Chakrapani, Hon’ble the then Chairman, Andhra Pradesh Legislative Council, Hyderabad.
Venue and Date: Hotel Bliss (Darbar Hall), Tirupati- 20 August, 2016.
15. The Fifteenth Rajiv Gandhi Memorial Lecture-2017
Theme of the Lecture:Holistic Development in Rural India: The Strategy for Grassroots Level Development
Speaker: Prof. V.R. Panchamukhi, Former Chairman, Indian Council of Social Science Research, Govt. of India, New Delhi.
Chief Guest: Shri Nadendla Manohar, Former Speaker, Andhra Pradesh Legislative Assembly, Hyderabad.
Venue and Date: Hotel Bliss (Darbar Hall), Tirupati- 20 August, 2017
16. The Sixteenth Rajiv Gandhi Memorial Lecture -2019
Theme of the Lecture:Legacy of Rajiv Gandhi for National Development
Speaker: Prof. N. Radhakrishnan, Chairman, Indian Council of Gandhian Studies, New Delhi.
Chief Guest: Prof. Y. Hari Babu, the then Vice-Chancellor, Sri Venkateswara Veterinary University, Tirupati.
Guest of Honour: Smt. T.K. Anuradha, Distinguished Scientist and Director, SATCOM, Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), Govt. of India, Bengaluru.
Venue and Date: Hotel Bliss (Darbar Hall), Tirupati- 20 August, 2019.
(Rajiv Gandhi National Awards in 7 Categories were instituted and conferred by the Academy of Grassroots Studies and Research of India, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, since 2005)

In recognition of Rajiv Gandhi’s laudable contributions and significant services to the nation in general and Women, Youth and Panchayati Raj Institutions in particular, as Seventh Prime Minister of India, the Academy of Grassroots Studies and Research of India has instituted the following Awards (established year of the respective award is in parenthesis), in association with the Rajiv Rural Development Foundation, Tirupati. The Rajiv Gandhi National Awards in 7 categories would be conferred by the Chief Guest (Hon’ble Governor/Former Governor/Union Minister/Former Union Minister/Speaker/Judge) every year on the birth day of Shri Rajiv Gandhiji, i.e., 20 August, in Tirupati/New Delhi, at a Special Function.
Name of the National Award and Established Year- Rajiv Gandhi Outstanding Leadership National Award (2005)
- Rajiv Gandhi Best District Panchayat National Award (2005)
- Rajiv Gandhi Best Taluk Panchayat National Award (2005)
- Rajiv Gandhi Best Gram Panchayat National Award (2005)
- Rajiv Gandhi Mahila Shakti National Award (2008)
- Rajiv Gandhi Yuva Shakti National Award (2008)
- Rajiv Gandhi Gram Swaraj National Award (2012)
The Rajiv Gandhi National Awards Jury, consisting of eminent scholars and experts, headed by Dr. Subhash C. Kashyap, Founder Chairman of AGRASRI and Former Secretary-General of Lok Sabha, New Delhi, would select and finalise the recipients of the Rajiv Gandhi National Awards in 7 categories, purely based on merit and tract record of the nominees, in their respective chosen fields. The Screening Committee would assist the Jury in finalisation of the suitable candidates at all India level, for the Awards, with Dr. D. Sundar Ram, Founder and Director of AGRASRI, as Convenor of the Jury.
The following is the composition of the Rajiv Gandhi National Awards Jury:
1) Dr. Subhash C. Kashyap (Chairman), Former Secretary-General, Lok Sabha, New Delhi;
2) Prof. V. R. Panchamukhi, Former Chairman, ICSSR, New Delhi;
3) Shri Justice D. Subrahmanyam, Former Judge, AP High Court, Hyderabad;
4) Shri Justice P. S. Narayana, Former Judge, AP High Court, Hyderabad;
5) Dr. D. Sundar Ram (Convenor), Founder and Director, AGRASRI, Tirupati.
The following is the List of Recipients of the Rajiv Gandhi National Awards in 7 Categories
Rajiv Gandhi OUTSTANDING LEADERSHIP National Award since the Year 2005:
Recipient:: Prof. U.R. Rao, Chairman, PRL Council, Indian Space Research Organisation, Department of Space, Govt. of India, Bangalore.
Chief Guest: Shri T.N. Chaturvedi,His Excellency, the then Governor of Karnataka, Bangalore and Chairman of the Indian Institute of Public Administration, New Delhi.
Venue and Date: Hotel Bliss (Darbar Hall), Tirupati- 23 September, 2005.
Recipient: Prof. M.S. Swaminathan, the then Chairman, National Commission on Farmers, Govt. of India, New Delhi.
Chief Guest: Shri Rameshwar Thakur,His Excellency, the then Governor Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad.
Venue and Date: Hotel Bliss (Darbar Hall), Tirupati- 20 August, 2006.
Recipient: Dr. R.A. Mashelkar, the then President, Indian National Science Academy and CSIR Bhatnagar Fellow, National Chemical Laboratory, Pune (Maharashtra).
Chief Guest: Shri R.L.Bhatia, His Excellency, the then Governor of Kerala, Trivandrum.
Venue and Date: Hotel Bliss, Tirupati, on 20 August, 2007.
Recipient: Dr. C. Rangarajan, the then Chairman, Economic Advisory Council to Prime Minister of India, New Delhi.
Chief Guest: Shri N.D.Tiwari, His Excellency, the then Governor of Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad.
Guest of Honour: Prof. C. Ratnam,the then Vice-Chancellor, Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati.
Venue and Date: Hotel Bliss (Darbar Hall), Tirupati- 20 August, 2008
Recipient: Dr. G. Madhavan Nair,the then Chairman, ISRO, Department of Space, Govt. of India, Bangalore.
Chief Guest: Smt. Prabha Rau, Her Excellency, the then Governor of H.P., Shimla.
Guest of Honour: Dr. Agarala Easwara Reddi,Former Speaker of Andhra Pradesh Legislative Assembly, Hyderabad.
Venue and Date: Hotel Bliss (Darbar Hall), Tirupati- 20 August, 2009
Recipient: Dr (Mrs) V. Mohini Giri, , Former Chairperson, National Commission for Women, Govt. of India, New Delhi.
Chief Guest: Shri Murlidhar C. Bhandare, His Excellency, the then Governor of Odisha, Bhubaneswar.
Special Guest:Shri Salman Khurshid, Shri Salman Khurshid, Hon’ble the then Union Minister for Water Resources and Minority Affairs, Govt. of India, New Delhi.
Venue and Date: India International Annex Auditorium, New Delhi- 8 March, 2011.
Recipient: Dr R. Chidambaram, the then Principal Scientific Advisor to the Govt. of India, New Delhi.
Chief Guest: Dr. Agarala Easwara Reddi, Former Speaker of Andhra Pradesh Legislative Assembly, Hyderabad.
Venue and Date: Hotel Bliss (Darbar Hall), Tirupati- 29 Februay 2012.
Recipient: Dr. Bal Ram Jakhar, Former Speaker of Lok Sabha, Former Governor of Madhya Pradesh and Former Union Minister for Agriculture, New Delhi.
Chief Guest: Shri Shivraj V. Patil, His Excellency, the then Governor of Punjab, Chandigarh.
Guest of Honour: Shri Mani Shankar Aiyar, Hon’ble the then Member of Parliament (Rajya Sabha) and Former Union Minister for Panchayati Raj, Govt. of India, New Delhi.
Venue and Date: Indian Institute of Public Administration, New Delhi, on 20 August, 2012.
Recipient: Prof. Sukhadeo K. Thorat, the then Chairman, Indian Council of Social Science Research, Govt. of India, New Delhi.
Chief Guest: Shri T.N. Chatuvedi, Former Governor of Karnataka and Chairman, Indian Institute of Public Administration, New Delhi.
Guest of Honour: Shri Mani Shankar Aiyar, Hon’ble the then Member of Parliament (Rajya Sabha) and Former Union Minister for Panchayati Raj, Govt. of India, New Delhi.
Venue and Date: Indian Institute of Public Administration, New Delhi, on 20 August, 2014.
Recipient: Dr. Bindeswhar Pathak, Founder and Social Reformer, Sulabh International Social Service Organisation, New Delhi.
Chief Guest: Prof. V. R. Panchamukhi, Former Chairman, Indian Council of Social Science Research, Govt. of India, New Delhi.
Special Guest: Dr. Rajendra Kumar Pachauri, World renowned Environmentalist and Noble Laureate, New Delhi.
Venue and Date: Hotel Bliss (Darbar Hall), Tirupati- 20 August, 2015.
Recipient: Dr.V.K. Saraswat, Member, NITI Aayog, Govt. of India, New Delhi.
Chief Guest: Dr. A. Chakrapani, Hon’ble the then Chairman, Andhra Pradesh Legislative Council, Hyderabad.
Guest of Honour: Prof. D. Narayana Rao, the then General President, Indian Science Congress, Chennai.
Venue and Date: Hotel Bliss (Darbar Hall), Tirupati- 20 August, 2016.
Recipient: Prof. V.R. Panchamukhi, Former Chairman, Indian Council of Social Science Research, Govt. of India, New Delhi.
Chief Guest: Shri Nadendla Manohar, Former Speaker, Andhra Pradesh Legislative Assembly, Hyderabad.
Guest of Honour: Shri Justice D. Subrahmanyam, Former Judge, Andhra Pradesh High Court, Hyderabad.
Venue and Date: Hotel Bliss (Diamond Hall), Tirupati- 20 August, 2017.
Recipient: Prof. N. Radhakrishnan, Chairman, Indian Council of Gandhian Studies, New Delhi.
Chief Guest: Prof. Y. Hari Babu, Vice-Chancellor, Sri Venkateswara Veterinary University, Tirupati.
Guest of Honour: Smt. T.K. Anuradha, Distinguished Scientist and Director, SATCOM, Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), Govt. of India, Bengaluru.
Venue and Date: Hotel Bliss (Darbar Hall), Tirupati- 20 August, 2019.
Rajiv Gandhi MAHILA SHAKTI National Award since the Year 2009:
Recipient: Dr (Mrs) Jaya Arunachalam, President, Working Women’s Forum, Chennai.
Chief Guest: Smt. Prabha Rau, Her Excellency, the then Governor of H.P., Shimla.
Guest of Honour: Dr. Agarala Easwara Reddi, Former Speaker of Andhra Pradesh Legislative Assembly, Hyderabad..
Venue and Date: Hotel Bliss (Darbar Hall), Tirupati- 20 August, 2009.
Recipient: Dr (Mrs) Manju Sharma, President, Indian Institute of Advanced Research, Gandhinagar and Former Secretary to Government of India, (Department of Bio-Technology, Ministry of Science & Technology), New Delhi.
Chief Guest: Prof. B.K. Chandrasekhar, Former Chairman, Karnataka Legislative Council, Bangalore.
Venue and Date: Hotel Bliss (Darbar Hall), Tirupati- 20 August, 2010.
Recipient: Dr. V. Shanta, Chairperson, Cancer Institute (WIA), Chennai.
Chief Guest: Prof. R. Ramamurthi, Past-General President, Indian Science Congress, New Delhi.
Venue and Date: Hotel Bliss (Darbar Hall), Tirupati- 25 November, 2011.
Recipient: Smt. Nomita Chandy, Secretary, ASHRAYA, Bangalore.
Chief Guest: Shri Shivraj V. Patil, His Excellency, the then Governor of Punjab, Chandigarh.
Guest of Honour: Shri Mani Shankar Aiyar, Hon’ble the then Member of Parliament (Rajya Sabha) and Former Union Minister for Panchayati Raj, Govt. of India, New Delhi.
Venue and Date: Indian Institute of Public Administration Conference Hall, New Delhi- 20 August, 2012.
Recipient: Prof. Paramjit Khurana, Prof. J.C. Bose , National Fellow, Delhi University, South Campus, New Delhi.
Chief Guest: Shri T. N. Chatuvedi,Former Governor of Karnataka and Chairman, Indian Institute of Public Administration, New Delhi.
Guest of Honour: Shri Mani Shankar Aiyar, Hon’ble the then Member of Parliament (Rajya Sabha) and Former Union Minister for Panchayati Raj, Govt. of India, New Delhi.
Venue and Date: Indian Institute of Public Administration Conference Hall, New Delhi- 20 August, 2014.
Recipient: Dr. Swati A. Piramal, Vice-Chairperson, Piramal Enterprises Ltd. Mumbai.
Chief Guest: Prof. V. R. Panchamukhi,Former Chairman, Indian Council of Social Science Research, Govt. of India, New Delhi.
Guest of Honour: Dr. Rajendra Kumar Pachauri, World renowned Environmentalist and Noble Laureate and, New Delhi.
Venue and Date: Hotel Bliss (Darbar Hall), Tirupati- 25 November, 2015.
Recipient: Dr (Mrs) Nandini Azad, Chairperson, Indian Co-operative Network for Women, Chennai.
Chief Guest: Dr. A. Chakrapani,Hon’ble the then Chairman, Andhra Pradesh Legislative Council, Hyderabad.
Venue and Date: Hotel Bliss (Darbar Hall), Tirupati- 20 August, 2016.
Recipient: Dr (Mrs) Tessy Thomas, Outstanding Scientist and Director, Advanced Systems Laboratory, Defence Research and Development Organisation, Govt. of India, Hyderabad.
Chief Guest: Shri Nadendla Manohar,Former Speaker, Andhra Pradesh Legislative Assembly, Hyderabad.
Guest of Honour: Shri Justice D. Subrahmanyam,Former Judge, Andhra Pradesh High Court, Hyderabad.
Venue and Date: Hotel Bliss (Darbar Hall), Tirupati- 20 August, 2016.
Recipient: Smt.T.K. Anuradha, Distinguished Scientist and Director, SATCOM, Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), Govt. of India, Bengaluru.
Chief Guest: Prof. Y. Hari Babu,the then Vice-Chancellor, Sri Venkateswara Veterinary University, Tirupati.
Venue and Date: Hotel Bliss, Tirupati, on 20 August, 2019.
Rajiv Gandhi YUVA SHAKTI/PAARISHRAMIKA SHAKTI National Award since the Year 2009:
Recipient: Smt. Neelima Khetan Chief Executive Officer, Seva Mandir, Udaipur (Rajasthan).
Chief Guest: Smt. Prabha Rau,Her Excellency, the then Governor of H.P., Shimla.
Guest of Honour: Dr. Agarala Easwara Reddi, Former Speaker of Andhra Pradesh Legislative Assembly, Hyderabad.
Venue and Date: Hotel Bliss (Darbar Hall), Tirupati- 20 August, 2009.
Recipient: Dr. Rahul Mirchandani Executive Director, Aries Agro Limited, Mumbai.
Chief Guest: Prof. B.K. Chandrasekhar,Former Chairman, Karnataka Legislative Council, Bangalore.
Venue and Date: : Hotel Bliss (Darbar Hall), Tirupati- 20 August, 2010.
Recipient: Shri Manoj Kumar Mandelia Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Canopus India Ltd., Kharagpur (West Bengal).
Chief Guest: Prof. R. Ramamurthi,Past-General President, Indian Science Congress, New Delhi.
Venue and Date: Hotel Bliss (Darbar Hall), Tirupati- 25 November, 2011.
Recipient: Dr. D. Udaya Kumar Designer of Indian Rupee Symbol and Asst. Professor, Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati (Assam).
Chief Guest: Shri Shivraj V. Patil,His Excellency, the then Governor of Punjab, Chandigarh.
Guest of Honour: Shri Mani Shankar Aiyar,Hon’ble the then Member of Parliament (Rajya Sabha) and Former Union Minister for Panchayati Raj, Govt. of India, New Delhi.
Venue and Date: :Indian Institute of Public Administration Conference Hall, New Delhi- 20 August, 2012.
Recipient: Smt. Chhavi Rajawat, Sarpanch, Soda Gram Panchayat, Tonk District (Rajasthan).
Chief Guest: Shri T. N. Chatuvedi,, Former Governor of Karnataka and Chairman, Indian Institute of Public Administration, New Delhi.
Guest of Honour: Shri Mani Shankar Aiyar, Hon’ble the then Member of Parliament (Rajya Sabha) and Former Union Minister for Panchayati Raj, Govt. of India, New Delhi
Venue and Date: Indian Institute of Public Administration Conference Hall, New Delhi- 20 August, 2014.
Recipient: Shri Dinesh Gajendran, Executive Director, Audacious Dreams Foundation, Gudiyattam, Tamil Nadu.
Chief Guest: Prof. V. R. Panchamukhi,, Former Chairman, Indian Council of Social Science Research, Govt. of India, New Delhi.
Guest of Honour: Dr. Rajendra Kumar Pachauri, World renowned Environmentalist and Noble Laureate and, New Delhi.
Venue and Date: Hotel Bliss (Darbar Hall), Tirupati- 25 November, 2015.
Recipient: Mrs. Neelima Pudhota, First Telugu Young Women Climber of Mount Everest, Hyderabad.
Chief Guest: Dr. A. Chakrapani,Hon’ble the then Chairman, Andhra Pradesh Legislative Council, Hyderabad.
Venue and Date: Hotel Bliss (Darbar Hall), Tirupati- 20 August, 2016.
Recipient: Smt. Madhu Saran Vel, Founder, The Rivers Foundation, Chennai
Chief Guest: Shri Nadendla Manohar,Former Speaker, Andhra Pradesh Legislative Assembly, Hyderabad.
Guest of Honour: Shri Justice D. Subrahmanyam, Former Judge, Andhra Pradesh High Court, Hyderabad.
Venue and Date: Hotel Bliss, Tirupati, on 20 August, 2017.
Recipient: Dr. Mohammed Shafiulla Shali, President, Shali Foundation Trust, Bengaluru.
Chief Guest: Prof. Y. Hari Babu,the then Vice-Chancellor, Sri Venkateswara Veterinary University, Tirupati.
Guest of Honour: Smt. T.K. Anuradha, Distinguished Scientist and Director, SATCOM, Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), Govt. of India, Bengaluru.
Venue and Date: Hotel Bliss, Tirupati, on 20 August, 2019.
Rajiv Gandhi BEST DISTRICT PANCHAYAT National Award since the Year 2005:
Recipient: Shri Pathuri Nagabushanam, the then President, Guntur Zilla Parishad, Guntur (Andhra Pradesh).
Chief Guest: Shri K. S. R. Murthy, IAS (Retd.),Former Secretary to Govt. of India, New Delhi.
Venue and Date: Hotel Bliss (Darbar Hall), Tirupati- 20 August, 2005.
Recipient: Shri M.V. Balakrishnan Master, the then President, Kasargod District Panchayat, Kasargod (Kerala).
Chief Guest: Shri Rameshwar Thakur,His Excellency, the then Governor Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad.
Guest of Honour: Prof. M.S. Swaminathan,the then Chairman, National Commission on Farmers, Govt. of India, New Delhi.
Venue and Date: Hotel Bliss (Darbar Hall), Tirupati- 20 August, 2006.
Recipient: Shri R. Chidambaram, the then President, Andaman & Nicobar Zilla Parishad, Port Blair (Andaman & Nicobar Islands).
Chief Guest: Shri R.L.Bhatia, His Excellency, the then Governor of Kerala, Trivandrum.
Guest of Honour: Dr. R.A. Mashelkar,the then President, Indian National Science Academy and CSIR Bhatnagar Fellow, National Chemical Laboratory, Pune (Maharashtra).
Venue and Date: Hotel Bliss, Tirupati, on 20 August, 2007.
Recipient: Smt. Amarben P. Merani, President, Surendra Nagar District Panchayat, Surendra Nagar (Gujarat).
Chief Guest: Shri N.D.Tiwari, His Excellency, the then Governor of Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad.
Guest of Honour: Dr. C. Rangarajan, the then Chairman, Economic Advisory Council to the Prime Minister of India, New Delhi.
Venue and Date: Hotel Bliss (Darbar Hall), Tirupati- 20 August, 2008
Recipient: Smt. Vaishali K. Abane, the then President, Pune Zilla Parishad, Pune (Maharashtra).
Chief Guest: Smt. Prabha Rau, Her Excellency, the then Governor of H.P., Shimla.
Guest of Honour: Dr. Agarala Easwara Reddi, Former Speaker of Andhra Pradesh Legislative Assembly, Hyderabad.
Venue and Date: Hotel Bliss (Darbar Hall), Tirupati- 20 August, 2009
Recipient: Shri Uday Sankar Sarkar, Sabhadhipathi, Burdhwan Zilla Panchayat, Burdhwan (West Bengal).
Chief Guest: Prof. B.K. Chandrasekhar,Former Chairman, Karnataka State Legislative Council, Bengaluru.
Venue and Date: Hotel Bliss (Darbar Hall), Tirupati- 20 August, 2010.
Recipient: Shri T. N. Kandamuthan, President, District Panchayat, Palakkad (Kerala).
Chief Guest: Dr. Agarala Easwara Reddi,Former Speaker of Andhra Pradesh Legislative Assembly, Hyderabad.
Venue and Date: Hotel Bliss (Darbar Hall), Tirupati- 20 August, 2011.
Recipient: Shri B. M. Rai,Adhyaksha, South District Zilla Panchayat, Namchi (Sikkim).
Chief Guest: Shri Shivraj V. Patil,His Excellency, the then Governor of Punjab, Chandigarh.
Guest of Honour: Shri Mani Shankar Aiyar,Hon’ble the then Member of Parliament (Rajya Sabha) and Former Union Minister for Panchayati Raj, Govt. of India, New Delhi.
Venue and Date: Indian Institute of Public Administration, New Delhi, on 20 August, 2012.
Recipient: Shri Bansode D. Gunderao,President, Latur Zilla Parishad, Latur, Maharashtra.
Chief Guest: Shri T.N. Chatuvedi,, Former Governor of Karnataka and Chairman, Indian Institute of Public Administration, New Delhi.
Guest of Honour: Shri Mani Shankar Aiyar, Hon’ble the then Member of Parliament (Rajya Sabha) and Former Union Minister for Panchayati Raj, Govt. of India, New Delhi.
Venue and Date: Indian Institute of Public Administration, New Delhi, on 20 August, 2014.
Recipient: Smt. Gadde Anuradha, the then Chairperson, Krishna Zilla Praja Parishad, Machilipatnam, Andhra Pradesh.
Chief Guest: Prof. V. R. Panchamukhi, Former Chairman, Indian Council of Social Science Research, Govt. of India, New Delhi.
Special Guest: Dr. Rajendra Kumar Pachauri, World renowned Environmentalist and Noble Laureate, New Delhi.
Venue and Date: Hotel Bliss (Darbar Hall), Tirupati- 20 August, 2015.
Recipient: Smt. K. Jagadamma, the then President, Kollam District Panchayat, Kollam, Kerala.
Chief Guest: Dr. A. Chakrapani, Hon’ble the then Chairman, Andhra Pradesh Legislative Council, Hyderabad.
Guest of Honour: Prof. D. Narayana Rao, the then General President, Indian Science Congress, Chennai.
Venue and Date: Hotel Bliss (Darbar Hall), Tirupati- 20 August, 2016.
Recipient: Smt. Asha Prashant Aihole, the then President, Belagavi Zilla Panchayat, Belagavi, Karnataka.
Chief Guest: Shri Nadendla Manohar, Former Speaker, Andhra Pradesh Legislative Assembly, Hyderabad.
Guest of Honour: Shri Justice D. Subrahmanyam, Former Judge, Andhra Pradesh High Court, Hyderabad.
Venue and Date: Hotel Bliss (Diamond Hall), Tirupati- 20 August, 2017.
Recipient: Smt. Jayamma, the then President, Bengaluru Rural Zilla Panchayat, Bengaluru, Karnataka.
Chief Guest: Prof. Y. Hari Babu, Vice-Chancellor, Sri Venkateswara Veterinary University, Tirupati.
Guest of Honour: Smt. T.K. Anuradha, Distinguished Scientist and Director, SATCOM, Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), Govt. of India, Bengaluru.
Venue and Date: Hotel Bliss (Darbar Hall), Tirupati- 20 August, 2019.
Rajiv Gandhi BEST TALUK PANCHAYAT National Award since the Year 2005:
Recipient: Shri B. Obul Reddy, the then President, Putaparthi Taluk Panchayat/Mandal Parishad, Anantapur District (Andhra Pradesh).
Chief Guest: Shri K. S. R. Murthy, IAS (Retd.), Former Secretary to Govt. of India, New Delhi.
Venue and Date: Hotel Bliss (Darbar Hall), Tirupati- 20 August, 2005.
Recipient: Shri M. A. Khadar, the then President, Thirurangadi Taluk/Block Panchayat, Malappuram District (Kerala).
Chief Guest: Shri Rameshwar Thakur, His Excellency, the then Governor Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad.
Guest of Honour: Prof. M.S. Swaminathan, the then Chairman, National Commission on Farmers, Govt. of India, New Delhi.
Venue and Date: Hotel Bliss (Darbar Hall), Tirupati- 20 August, 2006.
Recipient: Shri S. Ramalingam, the then Chairman, Thiruvidaimaruthur Taluk/Block Panchayat, Thanjavur District (Tamil Nadu).
Chief Guest: Shri R.L.Bhatia, His Excellency, the then Governor of Kerala, Trivandrum.
Guest of Honour: Dr. R.A. Mashelkar, the then President, Indian National Science Academy and CSIR Bhatnagar Fellow, National Chemical Laboratory, Pune (Maharashtra).
Venue and Date: Hotel Bliss, Tirupati, on 20 August, 2007.
Recipient: Smt. Shakuntala Meena, the then Pradhan, Sapotra Taluk Panchayat, Karauli District (Rajasthan).
Chief Guest: Shri N.D.Tiwari, His Excellency, the then Governor of Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad.
Guest of Honour: Dr. C. Rangarajan, , the then Chairman, Economic Advisory Council to the Prime Minister of India, New Delhi.
Venue and Date: Hotel Bliss (Darbar Hall), Tirupati- 20 August, 2008
Recipient: Shri M. Rama Goud Samala, the then President, Velpur Taluk Panchayat/Mandal Praja Parishad, Nizamabad District (Telengana).
Chief Guest: Smt. Prabha Rau, Her Excellency, the then Governor of H.P., Shimla.
Guest of Honour: Dr. Agarala Easwara Reddi, Former Speaker of Andhra Pradesh Legislative Assembly, Hyderabad.
Venue and Date: Hotel Bliss (Darbar Hall), Tirupati- 20 August, 2009
Recipient: Shri P. P. Muhammedkutty Master, the then President, Pazhayannur Taluk/Block Panchayat, Trichur District (Kerala).
Chief Guest: Prof. B.K. Chandrasekhar, Former Chairman, Karnataka State Legislative Council, Bengaluru.
Venue and Date: Hotel Bliss (Darbar Hall), Tirupati- 20 August, 2010.
Recipient: Smt. Sunitatai Gaikwad, the then President, Shrirampur Taluk Panchayat Samithi, Ahmednagar District (Maharashtra).
Chief Guest: Dr. Agarala Easwara Reddi, Former Speaker of Andhra Pradesh Legislative Assembly, Hyderabad.
Venue and Date: Hotel Bliss (Darbar Hall), Tirupati- 20 August, 2011.
Recipient: Shri M. Kunhammad, the then President, Perambra Taluk/Block Panchayat, Kozhikode District (Kerala).
Chief Guest: Shri Shivraj V. Patil, His Excellency, the then Governor of Punjab, Chandigarh
Guest of Honour: Shri Mani Shankar Aiyar, Hon’ble the then Member of Parliament (Rajya Sabha) and Former Union Minister for Panchayati Raj, Govt. of India, New Delhi.
Venue and Date: Indian Institute of Public Administration, New Delhi, on 20 August, 2012.
Recipient: Shri P. K. Anil Kumar, the then President, Kalpetta Block Panchayat, Wayand District (Kerala).
Chief Guest: Shri T.N. Chatuvedi, Former Governor of Karnataka and Chairman, Indian Institute of Public Administration, New Delhi.
Guest of Honour: Shri Mani Shankar Aiyar, Hon’ble the then Member of Parliament (Rajya Sabha) and Former Union Minister for Panchayati Raj, Govt. of India, New Delhi.
Venue and Date: Indian Institute of Public Administration, New Delhi, on 20 August, 2014.
Recipient: Shri C. K. Shivaputrappa, the then President, Afzalpur Taluk Panchayat, Gulbarga District, Karnataka.
Chief Guest: Prof. V. R. Panchamukhi, Former Chairman, Indian Council of Social Science Research, Govt. of India, New Delhi.
Special Guest: Dr. Rajendra Kumar Pachauri, World renowned Environmentalist and Noble Laureate, New Delhi.
Venue and Date: Hotel Bliss (Darbar Hall), Tirupati- 20 August, 2015.
Recipient: Smt. B. Sarala Kumari, the then President, Thavanampalli Mandal Praja Parishad, Thavanampalli, Chittoor District, Andhra Pradesh.
Chief Guest: Dr. A. Chakrapani, Hon’ble the then Chairman, Andhra Pradesh Legislative Council, Hyderabad.
Special Guest: Prof. D. Narayana Rao, the then General President, Indian Science Congress, Chennai.
Venue and Date: Hotel Bliss (Darbar Hall), Tirupati- 20 August, 2016.
Recipient: Smt. V. R. Sarala, President, Cherpu Block Panchayat, Trissur District, Kerala.
Chief Guest: Shri Nadendla Manohar, Former Speaker, Andhra Pradesh Legislative Assembly, Hyderabad.
Guest of Honour: Shri Justice D. Subrahmanyam, Former Judge, Andhra Pradesh High Court, Hyderabad.
Venue and Date: Hotel Bliss (Diamond Hall), Tirupati- 20 August, 2017.
Recipient: Shri Sathish Chathankery,President, Pulikkeezhu Block Panchayat, Pathanamthitta District (Kerala).
Chief Guest: Prof. Y. Hari Babu, Vice-Chancellor, Sri Venkateswara Veterinary University, Tirupati.
Guest of Honour: Smt. T.K. Anuradha Distinguished Scientist and Director, SATCOM, Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), Govt. of India, Bengaluru.
Venue and Date: Hotel Bliss (Darbar Hall), Tirupati- 20 August, 2019.
Rajiv Gandhi BEST GRAM PANCHAYAT National Award since the Year 2005:
Recipient: Shri V. Panduranga Rao, the then Sarpanch, Alagadapa Gram Panchayat, Miryalaguda Mandal, Nalgonda District (Telengana).
Chief Guest: Shri K. S. R. Murthy, IAS (Retd.), Former Secretary to Govt. of India, New Delhi.
Venue and Date: Hotel Bliss (Darbar Hall), Tirupati- 20 August, 2005.
Recipient: Smt. Lakshmamma, the then President, Bellandur Gram Panchayat, Bangalore Rural District (Karnataka).
Chief Guest: Shri Rameshwar Thakur, His Excellency, the then Governor Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad.
Guest of Honour: Prof. M.S. Swaminathan, the then Chairman, National Commission on Farmers, Govt. of India, New Delhi.
Venue and Date: Hotel Bliss (Darbar Hall), Tirupati- 20 August, 2006.
Recipient: Shri K. Rajamouli, the then Sarpanch, Gangadevi Palli Gram Panchayat, Geesukonda Mandal, Warangal District (Telengana).
Chief Guest: Shri R.L.Bhatia, His Excellency, the then Governor of Kerala, Trivandrum.
Guest of Honour: Dr. R.A. Mashelkar, the then President, Indian National Science Academy and CSIR Bhatnagar Fellow, National Chemical Laboratory, Pune (Maharashtra).
Venue and Date: Hotel Bliss, Tirupati, on 20 August, 2007.
Recipient: Smt. R. Malarvizhi, the then President, Manakkudi Gram Panchayat, Mayiladuthurai Taluk, Naapattinam District (Tamil Nadu).
Chief Guest: Shri N.D.Tiwari, His Excellency, the then Governor of Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad.
Guest of Honour: Dr. C. Rangarajan, the then Chairman, Economic Advisory Council to the Prime Minister of India, New Delhi.
Venue and Date: Hotel Bliss (Darbar Hall), Tirupati- 20 August, 2008
Recipient: Shri K. Narayanan, the then President, Karivellur-Peralam Gram Panchayat, Thaliparamba Taluk, Kannur District (Kerala).
Chief Guest: Smt. Prabha Rau, Her Excellency, the then Governor of H.P., Shimla.
Guest of Honour: Dr. Agarala Easwara Reddi, Former Speaker of Andhra Pradesh Legislative Assembly, Hyderabad.
Venue and Date: Hotel Bliss (Darbar Hall), Tirupati- 20 August, 2009
Recipient: Smt. Lingammal Shanmugam, the then President, Odenthurai Gram Panchayat, Oomapalayam Block, Coimbatore District (Tamil Nadu).
Chief Guest: Prof. B.K. Chandrasekhar, Former Chairman, Karnataka State Legislative Council, Bengaluru.
Venue and Date: Hotel Bliss (Darbar Hall), Tirupati- 20 August, 2010.
Recipient: Smt. Deva Deevena Kumari, the then Sarpanch, Jegurupadu Gram Panchayat, Kadiam Mandal, East Godavari District (Andhra Pradesh).
Chief Guest: Dr. Agarala Easwara Reddi, Former Speaker of Andhra Pradesh Legislative Assembly, Hyderabad.
Venue and Date: Hotel Bliss (Darbar Hall), Tirupati- 20 August, 2011.
Recipient: Shri Himanshu N. Patel, the then Sarpanch, Punsari Gram Panchayat, Talod Taluk, Sabarkantha District (Gujarat).
Chief Guest: Shri Shivraj V. Patil, His Excellency, the then Governor of Punjab, Chandigarh.
Guest of Honour: Shri Mani Shankar Aiyar, Hon’ble the then Member of Parliament (Rajya Sabha) and Former Union Minister for Panchayati Raj, Govt. of India, New Delhi.
Venue and Date: Indian Institute of Public Administration, New Delhi, on 20 August, 2012.
Recipient: Shri H. B. Pradeep Master, the then President, Edavaka Gram Panchayat, Wayand District (Kerala).
Chief Guest: Shri T.N. Chatuvedi, Former Governor of Karnataka and Chairman, Indian Institute of Public Administration, New Delhi.
Guest of Honour: Shri Mani Shankar Aiyar, Hon’ble the then Member of Parliament (Rajya Sabha) and Former Union Minister for Panchayati Raj, Govt. of India, New Delhi.
Venue and Date: Indian Institute of Public Administration, New Delhi, on 20 August, 2012.
Recipient: Smt. M.K .Rafeeka, the then President, Pulamanthole Gram Panchayat, Malappuram District, Kerala.
Chief Guest: Prof. V. R. Panchamukhi, Former Chairman, Indian Council of Social Science Research, Govt. of India, New Delhi.
Special Guest: Dr. Rajendra Kumar Pachauri, World renowned Environmentalist and Noble Laureate, New Delhi.
Venue and Date: Hotel Bliss (Darbar Hall), Tirupati- 20 August, 2015
Recipient: Shri P. Damodaran, President, Mudichur Gram Panchayat, Kanchipuram District, Tamil Nadu.
Chief Guest: Dr. A. Chakrapani, Hon’ble the then Chairman, Andhra Pradesh Legislative Council, Hyderabad.
Guest of Honour: Prof. D. Narayana Rao, the then General President, Indian Science Congress, Chennai.
Venue and Date: Hotel Bliss (Darbar Hall), Tirupati- 20 August, 2016.
Recipient: Shri G. Prabhakar, Sarpanch, Chandurthi Gram Panchayat, Siricilla Rajanna District, Telengana.
Chief Guest: Shri Nadendla Manohar, Former Speaker, Andhra Pradesh Legislative Assembly, Hyderabad.
Guest of Honour: Shri Justice D. Subrahmanyam, Former Judge, Andhra Pradesh High Court, Hyderabad.
Venue and Date: Hotel Bliss (Diamond Hall), Tirupati- 20 August, 2017.
Recipient: Shri Basavaraj Y. Kalkare, President, Mugad Gram Panchayat, Dharwad Taluk and District (Karnataka).
Chief Guest: Prof. Y. Hari Babu, Vice-Chancellor, Sri Venkateswara Veterinary University, Tirupati.
Guest of Honour: Smt. T.K. Anuradha, Distinguished Scientist and Director, SATCOM, Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), Govt. of India, Bengaluru.
Venue and Date: Hotel Bliss (Darbar Hall), Tirupati- 20 August, 2019.
Rajiv Gandhi GRAM SWARAJ National Award since the Year 2015:
Recipient: Shri Sooppy Narikatteri, President, Nadapuram Gram Panchayat, Kozhikode District, Kerala.
Chief Guest: Prof. V. R. Panchamukhi, Former Chairman, Indian Council of Social Science Research, Govt. of India, New Delhi.
Special Guest: Dr. Rajendra Kumar Pachauri, World renowned Environmentalist and Noble Laureate, New Delhi.
Venue and Date: Hotel Bliss (Darbar Hall), Tirupati- 20 August, 2015.
Recipient: Shri Venkatrao Y. Ghorpade, the then Vice-Chairman, Karnataka Panchayati Raj Parishad, Govt. of Karnataka, Bengaluru.
Chief Guest: Dr. A. Chakrapani, Hon’ble the then Chairman, Andhra Pradesh Legislative Council, Hyderabad.
Venue and Date: Hotel Bliss (Darbar Hall), Tirupati- 20 August, 2016.
Recipient: Shri Solipeta Ramachandra Reddy, Former Member of Parliament (Rajya Sabha), New Delhi.
Chief Guest: Shri Nadendla Manohar, Former Speaker, Andhra Pradesh Legislative Assembly, Hyderabad.
Guest of Honour: Shri Justice D. Subrahmanyam, Former Judge, Andhra Pradesh High Court, Hyderabad.
Venue and Date: Hotel Bliss (Diamond Hall), Tirupati- 20 August, 2017.
Recipient: Shri A.R. Patil, Director, Belgaum Integrated Rural Development Society, Belgaum (Karnataka).
Chief Guest: Prof. Y. Hari Babu, Vice-Chancellor, Sri Venkateswara Veterinary University, Tirupati.
Guest of Honour: Smt. T.K. Anuradha, Distinguished Scientist and Director, SATCOM, Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), Govt. of India, Bengaluru.
Venue and Date: Hotel Bliss (Darbar Hall), Tirupati- 20 August, 2019.
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