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Inviting Nominations for the Rajiv Gandhi National Awards-2020

Inviting Nominations for the Chittoor District Centenary Awards-2020.

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Founder and Director
Academy of Grassroots Studies and Research of India (AGRASRI)
# Plot No.11, Sri Venkata Sai Nilayam
Thummalagunta, S.V. University P.O.
Tirupati-517502, Andhra Pradesh. India
Mobile: +91-6302947338, +91-9441245085
E.mail: drsundarram@gmail.com | agrasridirector@gmail.com
Website: www.agrasri.org.in
The Academy of Grassroots Studies and Research of India (AGRASRI) was established in the year 2001 on the initiative of a group of academicians, scholars and administrators across the nation, under the Chairmaship of Dr. Subhash C. Kashyap, eminent Constitutional expert and Former Secretary-General of Lok Sabha. The AGRASRI is an autonomous, independent, non-political, non-profit and Professional Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO), being headquartered at Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, under the nurture of social activist couple Dr. D. Sundar Ram and Mrs. D. Bharathi Sundar, Founder and Co-founder of the Academy. The motto of AGRASRI is Sarve Bhavanthu Sukhinaa [Prosperous Life with Inclusive Growth by All].
It is founded to provide an environment suitable for the study and promotion of academic research, training, policy advocacy and networking in grassroots democratic institutions for self-sufficient Village Republics in India. Many distinguished policy makers, administrators and scholars have been associated with the Academy as Members of its Board of Governors, Board of Advisers, Executive Council, Research Council, Distinguished Fellows, Hon. Visiting Senior Fellows, Hon. Visiting Fellows and Guest Faculty.
The Academy was formally inaugurated by the champion of decentralisation movement Shri Mani Shankar Aiyar, the then Hon’ble Member of Parliament (Lok Sabha), on 20 August, 2002 at Tirupati. As grassroots level research organisation since its inception, it aims to promote research, training, education, advocacy and information dissemination in the state of Andhra Pradesh and beyond. Additionally, it has conducted training programmes for capacity- building among several stakeholders in the development sphere at the grassroots level. AGRASRI has been working in the following thematic areas since its inception: Panchayati Raj, Rural Development; Women Empowerment; Social Justice; Skill Development, Micro-planning; Administrative Leadership, Good Governance; Human Rights; Grassroots Democracy; Rural Sanitation, Natural Resources, Public Policy, Federalism, Nature Farming, Information and Communications Technology (ICT); Environment and Youth Development.
The Academy is recognised as Nodal Agency/Technical Support Institute by the Govt. of India and Govt. of Andhra Pradesh, for imparting Capacity Building and Training Programmes for the elected representatives of Panchayati Raj Institutions, Youth Leaders and Self-Help Group Members, in the Year 2010. The Academy is registered under the Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act of 2010; 12AA of Income Tax Act, 1961 and NGO-DARPAN of NITI Aayog. The Academy is recognised as Social Science Research Organisation by the Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR), Govt. of India, under the Grant-in-Aid for Maintenance and Development scheme from the Financial Year 2016-2017 onwards.
- Academy of Grassroots Studies and Research of India (AGRASRI)
- # Plot No.11, Sri Venkata Sai Nilayam,
- Thummalagunta, S.V. University P.O.,
- TIRUPATI-517502, Andhra Pradesh, India
Mobile: +91-6302947338, +91- 9441245085
E.mail: drsundarram@gmail.com > agrasridirector@gmail.com
Website : www.agrasri.org.in
For more information on AGRASRI, the viewers can also visit the following social media websites:
- Facebook: facebook.com/dornadulasundar.ram.9
- Twitter: twitter.com/agrasridirector
- Linked: in.linkedin.com/pub/dornadula-sundar-ram/36/473/495/
- Academia.edu: agrasri.academia.edu/dornadulasundarram
- Youtube: www.youtube.com/results?search_query=AGRASRI