VIP Messages
Inviting Nominations for the Rajiv Gandhi National Awards-2020

Inviting Nominations for the Chittoor District Centenary Awards-2020.

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Founder and Director
Academy of Grassroots Studies and Research of India (AGRASRI)
# Plot No.11, Sri Venkata Sai Nilayam
Thummalagunta, S.V. University P.O.
Tirupati-517502, Andhra Pradesh. India
Mobile: +91-6302947338, +91-9441245085
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The Academy of Grassroots Studies and Research of India (AGRASRI), has received many laurels and appreciations from the distinguished policy makers and eminent scholars, in recognition of its multi-dimentional activities and programmes at the grassroots level with in a short span of time.

AGRASRI is a unique Academy in the field of grassroots studies and governance, which provides a bridge between the elected representatives of Panchayati Raj and Nagar Palika Institutions, academicians and researchers and others working in the respective fields.
Hon’ble Member of Parliament (Rajya Sabha) and
Former Prime Minister of India, New Delhi, 27 July, 2016

I am glad that the Inaugural issue of The Grassroots Governance Journal is doing well in all respects.
SHRI INDER KUMAR GUJRALFormer Prime Minister of India,
New Delhi, October 21, 2003.

I hope that The Grassroots Governance Journal would go a long way so as to create an intellectual environment which would develop grassroots democratic institutions in contemporary rural India.
SHRI RABI RAYFormer Speaker of Lok Sabha,
New Delhi, October 23, 2003

I have gone through with interest the CV and Progress Report of AGRASRI and am appreciative of your efforts. The Rajiv Gandhi Memorial Lecture along with presentation of the Rajiv Gandhi Outstanding and Best Panchayat Awards every year is an imaginative initiative. I found my visit to your foundation sometime back quite satisfactory. I should congratulate you for your industrious application in editing and bringing out a number of publications on subjects of public significance….. AGRASRI merits all commendations for taking the initiative.
SHRI T.N. CHATURVEDIH.E., the then Governor of Karnataka and
Chairman, Indian Institute of Public Administration,
New Delhi, March 12, 2007.

All the best for your future activities. Excellent Rajiv Gandhi Birthday function. Wish you all success.
SHRI RAMESHWAR THAKURH.E., the then Governor of Andhra Pradesh,
Hyderabad, August 20, 2006.

I am very happy to be here and attend the function of presentation of awards. They are doing great job. I wish them a bright success.
SHRI R. L. BHATIAH.E., the then Governor of Kerala,
Thiruvananthapuram, August 20, 2007.

I compliment the initiatives of the Academy of Grassroots Studies and Research of India, in association with the Rajiv Rural Development Foundation, in reminding the country at large of the services rendered by Rajiv Gandhi during his short span of life and wish the organisations the very best in their endeavours in the service of the country.
SHRI SOMNATH CHATTERJEEHon’ble the then Speaker of Lok Sabha,
New Delhi, August 16, 2004.

I have known Dr. Sundar Ram since the establishment of the Academy and have been deeply impressed by the way in which the Academy has grown from very humble beginnings to its present significant status in the academic community which is playing such a key role of advocacy in the development of Panchayati Raj in the country.
SHRI MANI SHANKAR AIYARHon’ble the then Union Minister for Panchayati
Raj, Youth Affairs & Sports and
Development of North-East Region, Govt. of
India, New Delhi, February 27, 2007

I have known Dr. D. Sundar Ram, Founder and Director of the Academy of Grassroots Studies and Research of India (AGRASRI) since the last several years. Dr. D. Sundar Ram and Mrs. D. Bharathi, Co-founder of AGRASRI are both very active scientists as well as social activists. They are being trying their best to empower the women and men members of panchayats. In addition to their advocacy and publication activities, Dr. Sundar Ram and Mrs. Bharathi have also established the Rajiv Gandhi Memorial Lecture and Best Panchayat Awards Corpus Fund. I had the privilege of delivering the Rajiv Gandhi Memorial Lecture in the year 2006. The work of Dr. Sundar Ram and Mrs. Bharathi in the interest of strengthening the democratic structure of governance is commendable.
PROF. M.S. SWAMINATHANFounder Chairman, M.S. Swaminathan Research
Foundation, Chennai, March 9, 2007.

It was a great privilege to receive this great honour bestowed by this great Academy. The movement for ‘decentralised governance’ that has been landed is bound to succeed.
DR. R. A. MASHELKARCSIR Bhatnagar Fellow, National Chemical
Laboratory, Pune, August 20, 2007.

It was a great pleasure to participate in the convention organised by AGRASRI which has played an important role in bringing about a significant transformation in the rural areas. I congratulate Dr. Sundar Ram and his colleagues.
DR. C. RANGARAJANThe then Chairman, Economic Advisory
Council to Prime Minister of India, New Delhi,
August 20, 2008.

As the Chief Organiser of Rajiv Gandhi Memorial Lecture and Rajiv Gandhi National Awards programmes every year, Dr. Sundar Ram has given enough evidence of his administrative abilities. I am confident that Dr. D. Sundar Ram’s zeal and enthusiasm for propagating the ideals and vision of Shri Rajiv Gandhi towards Self-sufficient Village Republics will be widely appreciated and encouraged.
DR. SUBHASH C. KASHYAPFormer Secretary-General of Lok Sabha,
New Delhi, February 25, 2009

I feel happy that this country’s democracy needs the kind of work AGRASRI is undertaking……In many ways, I discover how thorough lectures and seminars you have made Panchayati Raj a truly powerful democratic feature of our public life. Surely, We, the people of India can truly lead the backbone of our democracy only through village regeneration. I deeply appreciate your work in this behalf and I request you to militantly make Panchayati Raj a major mission of your work and tell the people of India to awake arise and develop through unity and fraternity, Bharat Mahan.
SHRI JUSTICE V.R. KRISHNA IYERFormer Judge, Supreme Court of India,
New Delhi, February 26, 2009.

I enjoyed the award function and thankful to Rajiv Gandhi Rural Development Foundation and Academy of Grassroots Studies and Research of India at Tirupati for the nice gesture. I am impressed by the performance and activities targeted towards improving the quality of people especially targeted to the rural people. May god bless you to excel.
DR.G. MADHAVAN NAIRThe then Chairman, Indian Space Research
Organisation, Bangalore, August 20, 2009

It is a matter of great satisfaction that the Academy of Grassroots Studies and Research of India has an outstanding record of training, research and consultancy in the field of panchayati raj, rural development, women empowerment, capacity building and training, national integration and good governance besides propagating the ideals and vision of late Shri Rajiv Gandhiji towards self-sufficient ‘Village Republics’. My greetings to the Academy and best wishes for success in its future endeavours.
SHRI SALMAN KHURSHIDHon’ble the then Union Minister for Law and
Justice, Govt. of India, New Delhi, 2 February, 2012.

Organisations like AGRASRI can play a truly important role in supplementing governmental efforts to strengthen Panchayati Raj Institutions and securing increasing empowerment of women in India.
DR. N.N. VOHRAHis Excellency, the then Governor of
Jammu & Kashmir, Jammu, 15 February, 2012

Very good and dedicating work is being carried on by the Academy of Grassroots Studies and Research of India. I hope that the Government should give monetary contribution to the Academy.
DR.BAL RAM JAKHARHFormer Speaker of Lok Sabha, Former Governor,
Former Union Agriculture Minister, New Delhi,
20 August, 2012

I appreciate the work done by the Academy of Grassroots Studies and Research of India at the grassroots level and bring the change in the life of deprived.
PROF. SUKHADEO K. THORATThe then Chairman, Indian Council of Social
Science Research and Former Chairman,
University Grants Commission, New Delhi,
20 August, 2014.

It is a privilege to be here in the midst of doers at the grassroots level. My compliments and congratulations to the Academy of Grassrots Studies and Research of India, Tirupati. My salute to Dr. D. Sundar Ram for his dynamism and outstanding leadership.
DR. RAJENDRA KUMAR PACHAURINoble Laureate in Peace and World renowned
Environmentalist, New Delhi, 20 August, 2015.

AGRASRI is unique organisation with noble objectives and innovative approach. The approach of AGRASRI is commendable. I wish Dr. Sundar Ram and Mrs. Bharathi Sundar-Founders, for their sincere efforts. I urge the Governments, Private Sectors, Banks and Munificent Donors to provide sound financial support to make AGRASRI become a top purposeful Institution.
PROF. V. R. PANCHAMUKHIFormer Chairman, Indian Council of Social
Science Research, New Delhi, 20 August, 2015.

The Academy of Grassroots Studies and Research of India is an autonomous, independent and non-political organisation and every year the Academy honour the eminent personalities and have made an excellent progress in all academic and administrative spheres since its inception.
DR. HARSH VARDHANHon’ble Union Minister for Science & Technology
and Earth Sciences, Govt. of India, New Delhi, 8 August, 2016.